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What is expense syncing with Xero?

Xero Expense Integration With our Xero accounting integration you can sync card transactions directly to Xero, along with receipts, descriptions and payee names. The Xero integration is available to all users with a Monzo Business Pro or Team account plan.

To sync a card transaction to Xero:

  1. Open the transaction in Monzo and

  2. Tap 'Add accounting category' - this will let you choose from the list of accounting categories in your connected Xero account (e.g. '429 - General Expenses').

Once you've chosen an accounting category, we'll automatically sync the transaction over, and you should see it in Xero within a minute or two.

From then on, any changes you make on the transaction in Monzo to the accounting category, receipts, or transaction description, will also be automatically synced to Xero. You can then easily reconcile this transaction in Xero with the bank statements that have also synced across from Monzo.

You can set Xero accounting categories on web and the latest versions of the mobile apps. If you're on the latest mobile app version and you have a Xero account connected, but you don't see Xero accounting categories on your card transactions, you might need to upgrade your Xero connection. To do this:

  1. tap on '+',

  2. tap 'Connect accounting tool' - if you see that there's a Xero upgrade available, you can tap on this to set up and enable expense syncing.

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