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We work hard to reduce the barriers people face to accessing our product and service. Making money work for everyone can’t be done without making sure Monzo works for disabled people and those who’ve struggled with banking in the past.

Our mission

As a digital only bank, we have to work hard to make sure our product is easily accessible for all of our users. The needs of all of our customers, particularly if they’re facing barriers or experiencing difficult circumstances, is a core part of our mission.

Accessibility statement

At Monzo our mission is to make money work for everyone and this can’t be done without making sure Monzo works for disabled people and those who’ve struggled with banking in the past.

A target with arrows which have hit the bullseye

Our specialist support

We have specialist teams dedicated to helping you through money worries, the impact of life events on your finances, and day to day money management. We also have information on how we can support you if you have physical or mental health conditions & disabilities that affect your relationship with your money, or with us as your bank.

Illustration of a phone with jazzy colours coming out!

Contact Monzo using SignLive

We’ve partnered with SignLive, an online interpreting service for British Sign Language (BSL). If you're a BSL user you can chat with our customer support team through a fully-accredited interpreter, in real time, using video relay services. This service is available 7 am to 8 pm Monday to Sunday.

To chat to someone at Monzo using BSL

  • Download the SignLive app and create a profile
  • Search for Monzo in the directory

  • Click to call us; you'll be connected to an interpreter who'll relay the conversation in real time.

You can now contact Monzo using British Sign Language (BSL) – YouTube cover image

Share with us

Share with us is a tool that lives inside the help section of the Monzo app, to share your support needs directly to our specialist team.

You can access it through the following help articles:

  • Talking to us about your accessibility needs

  • Talking to us about your mental health

  • Telling us about your situation

At the bottom of each article is a Tell us more button, which will take you through to Share with us.

A magnifying glass with an eye looking through it, surrounded by sparkles

Getting help elsewhere

Sometimes your situation might require specialist support that Monzo doesn’t offer. We understand that your situation might require more than just help from us as your bank. We’ve put together a list of external resources you might find useful, based on what our customers talk to us about the most.

A paper and pencil with stars around them

Our approach

As a digital only bank that lives on your smartphone we’ve worked to develop industry leading digital tools to reduce the barriers people face, and make sure Monzo works for disabled people and those who’ve struggled with banking in the past.

From embedding our tone of voice in everything from emails to error messages, to making sure customers know they can use sign language when signing up our teams work hard to introduce products, policies and systems to embed accessibility in everything we do.

Working with experts by experience

It's really important to us at Monzo that we work with our customers to shape our product and our service. In 2019 we launched our Listening Sessions, bringing our teams together with various groups to listen to various experiences, and understand the barriers involved with the aim of reducing them. The events usually result in us making changes to our product or service, like making sure that customers know they can use sign language when signing up. Email us to get involved.

Our focus on mental health support

At Monzo we know that your mental health profoundly impacts how you manage your money. As the long term effects of the pandemic are emerging, we’re expecting to have more conversations with our customers about how their financial situation is impacted by mental health problems. We’ve worked with the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute to improve our accessibility for customers with mental health problems, by becoming the first bank to take part in its Mental Health Accessible Lite programme.

Accessible terms & conditions

We want everyone to be able to understand key communications from us. We've put in a lot of work to make sure our Personal account terms and conditions are accessible. They're just over 3,000 words, and hopefully nice and easy to follow.

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