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How we can support you with your mental health

Monzo features that can support your mental health

Safety nets Use a pot to create a safety net. A safety net is a sum of money set aside to cover essential bills and costs. We’ll help you plan how much you’ll need to save to cover 1 month's essential expenses.

Upcoming payments We show you tomorrow’s upcoming payments at the top of your transaction feed. So you always know what’s coming in and out and can avoid any unwelcome surprises.

Turn off borrowing offers You can turn off borrowing offers so you don’t get notifications about borrowing you might be eligible for.

Set a budget Summary shows you your spending and can help you better understand your budget. Left to Spend makes it clear how much you have to spend for the month.

How we’re supporting your mental health

Communication preferences Use Tell Us More to let us know how you prefer to talk to us, like using our app, phone calls or email. Tap "Tell Us More" at the bottom of this page.

Add a note We can add a note to your account with your communication preferences and support needs. You won’t have to repeat yourself when you talk to us.

Help repaying If your mental health has impacted your ability to pay back money you’ve borrowed, we can help you. You can find more information in our Money Worries Hub.

Other places that can support you

Mind is a charity with around 100 locations in England & Wales with services including counselling, crisis care and peer support. Their online resources are available nationwide and include online peer support.

Rethink Mental Illness is a charity working to improve the lives of people severely affected by mental illness. They have information on how to manage symptoms, help and treatment. Plus support for carers and friends/family.

Sane is a charity that provides a range of services to people impacted by mental illness. They offer emotional support by phone, email or text.

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