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Monzo Blog

The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Monzo team.

Product Updates
5 September 2019

You now only need £10 to open a Monzo Savings Pot

You can now open an Easy Access Savings Pot with a £10 minimum deposit and start earning up to 1.15% interest (AER, variable).

Bank statements
How Money Works
Current Account Guides
22 September 2020

How long should you keep bank statements?

Keeping hold of your bank statements can be useful when applying for a mortgage, a loan, or when filing your tax return. Find out how long you should keep yours ✅

How much can you withdraw from an ATM?
How Money Works
Current Account Guides
27 November 2023

How much can you withdraw from an ATM?

The daily amount that you can withdraw from an ATM depends on what bank you're with and the type of account you have.

Money in Love Series August Michael & Dan 2
Money in Love
3 September 2019

Money in Love: Michael and Dan

“We feel more comfortable when we have control over our own finances”

Monzo 101
29 August 2019

Is Monzo a debit card?

Yes! Monzo is much more than just a spending card!

No Spend September Save-the-Date-Challenge-OG
How Money Works
30 August 2019

Take the 'No Spendtember' Challenge and cut out spending on things you don't really need

It's a full 30 days where your goal is to stop spending on things you don't really need.

Dear Monzo
29 August 2019

Why over-paying your student loan could end up costing you more

Student loans are very different to most other kinds of debt. And in some cases, clearing your student loan early could actually cost you more!

Illustration of Hot Chip taking a video selfie
Monzo 101
28 August 2019

Why we ask you to take a video selfie when you sign up for Monzo

We use it to confirm that you're really you.

Monzo 101
27 August 2019

How to open a bank account if you’re a student and don’t have proof of address yet

You can open a current account with Monzo, even if you don’t have proof of address.

Monzo 101
27 August 2019

How to open a Monzo account

Signing up for a Monzo bank account takes minutes, and you can do it all from your phone.

Secure Customer authorisation - explained
Banking and Regulation
22 August 2019

Introducing Strong Customer Authentication: What you need to know

New rules for all banks, including Monzo, mean we’ll start increasing security around using your account and making payments. So the way you log into the Monzo app is changing, and we’ll ask you to regularly prove your identity by reauthenticating.

tweet saying "the wait for the first student loan of the year to drop is the longest wait ever"
Product Updates
21 August 2019

Get your student loan a day before your friends do

We’ve built a new feature called Get Paid Early, which lets you get your student loan a day earlier than usual, for free.

Running out of money tweet
How Money Works
22 August 2019

What's the first thing you spend on when you get paid? We asked and you answered.

Some of you said bills, some of you said savings. A lot of you said drinks...

Money in Love Series Nichola and Craig OG
Money in Love
22 August 2019

Money in love: Craig & Nichola

“We pool our money when we get paid, pay the bills and the mortgage, then halve whatever’s left”

A ring-bound calendar, surrounded by coins
Product Updates
21 August 2019

Monzo now lets you get paid a day early, for free

You can now get your salary paid a day early, for free! No cost, not hassle. Just more time with your money.