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Monzo Blog

The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Monzo team.

Monzo 101
27 August 2019

How to open a bank account if you’re a student and don’t have proof of address yet

You can open a current account with Monzo, even if you don’t have proof of address.

Monzo 101
27 August 2019

How to open a Monzo account

Signing up for a Monzo bank account takes minutes, and you can do it all from your phone.

Secure Customer authorisation - explained
Banking and Regulation
22 August 2019

Introducing Strong Customer Authentication: What you need to know

New rules for all banks, including Monzo, mean we’ll start increasing security around using your account and making payments. So the way you log into the Monzo app is changing, and we’ll ask you to regularly prove your identity by reauthenticating.

tweet saying "the wait for the first student loan of the year to drop is the longest wait ever"
Product Updates
21 August 2019

Get your student loan a day before your friends do

We’ve built a new feature called Get Paid Early, which lets you get your student loan a day earlier than usual, for free.

Running out of money tweet
How Money Works
22 August 2019

What's the first thing you spend on when you get paid? We asked and you answered.

Some of you said bills, some of you said savings. A lot of you said drinks...

Money in Love Series Nichola and Craig OG
Money in Love
22 August 2019

Money in love: Craig & Nichola

“We pool our money when we get paid, pay the bills and the mortgage, then halve whatever’s left”

A ring-bound calendar, surrounded by coins
Product Updates
21 August 2019

Monzo now lets you get paid a day early, for free

You can now get your salary paid a day early, for free! No cost, not hassle. Just more time with your money.

All the reasons you should get Monzo as an international student
How Money Works
16 August 2019

All the reasons you should get Monzo as an international student

Firstly, you can open a bank account before you even arrive!

Money in Love Series August Will & Max 4 (1)
Money in Love
14 August 2019

Money in Love: Will & Max

Through stories from real-life relationships, we’re tackling the taboo around couples and their cash.

OG image of a parachute dropping a bag of money.
No Barriers to Banking
13 August 2019

Our lending principles

As part of our commitment to being a responsible lender, we follow 5 principles. This is our promise to you, and shows what you can expect if you borrow money from Monzo.

Monzo 101
8 August 2019

What do I need to set up a Monzo account?

You'll need your phone, your ID, and a few minutes to sign up!

Announcing new Savings Pot Rates
Product Updates
9 August 2019

We've added new interest rates for Savings Pots!

We’re now offering up to 1.81%* (AER/Gross) on Fixed Savings Pots and 1.15%* (AER/Gross variable) on Easy Access Savings Pots – the highest rates for Monzo Savings Pots so far!

Monzo 101
8 August 2019

14 of our favourite features that will help you get the most out of Monzo

From easily splitting bills to automatically saving your spare change, here's our list of great ways to use Monzo!

Regular Saving Pots
How Money Works
Savings Account Guides
27 November 2019

What is a regular savings account?

With a regular savings account you commit to paying a set amount every month whilst getting a higher interest rate than you'd get with a current account.

How Money Works
1 August 2019

How to avoid paying more when you get out cash on holiday

When you’re abroad, don’t let a shop or ATM do the currency conversion for you!