Monzo Blog
The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Monzo team.

How we use incremental modelling to handle billions of events every day
This post is an overview of how we leverage incremental modelling, a data transformation technique which helps us scale sustainably as we blast off to 10 million customers 🚀

Our 2023 diversity and inclusion report
Read our 2023 Diversity and Inclusion report to find out what we're doing to create an environment where everyone can belong.

From Customer Operations to Executive Assistant: My Journey at Monzo
The blog dives deeper into how Anna navigated the change from her previous Customer Services role and harnessed the opportunities that came her way. Spotlighting the skills and learnings throughout her journey at Monzo.

How we measured change aversion with our new home screen
When we launched our new Monzo home screen, Katherine spent the past year focused on designing, launching and analysing experiments to understand how customers reacted to their new app. This blog explains how she measured change aversion.

Make Monzo more you: brand new ways to upgrade your account
Introducing Extra, Perks and Max – 3 brand new ways to upgrade based on what’s important to you.

How the new ISA rules affect you
ISAs have gotten a refresh this year. And the changes mean you have more freedom on how you choose to grow your money.

We can now accept corporate-owned businesses 🎉
If your Limited Company has investment from other companies, you are now welcome to apply for a Monzo Business account!

User Research Insight to Impact: The Art of Scaling Impact and Crafting Goal-Driven Metrics
Drawing upon the wisdom and practices of our user research team at Monzo, this blog post captures ways to scale user research impact, craft effective goals, and define clear metrics.

Starting from scratch as a new engineer at Monzo
I’m Grace, and I joined Monzo in October ’23 as a Backend Engineer in Fincrime Business Banking. I’m here to convince you to apply for that role you really want, and about how exciting, challenging and rewarding changing roles has been for me.

In 2022, we embarked on a long journey to move our main website. The whole process took us from June of 2022 to November of 2023, with plenty of fun curveballs along the way. Let’s dig into what it takes to migrate

How we use design to create business impact
This post delves into how Monzo is building on our product-led growth by adopting new growth design ways of working and how uniquely positioned design is as a business tool for growth. Buckle-up!

How to: automate tax savings with Tax Pots
A guide for setting up an automated Tax Pot in your Monzo Business app.

What are Monzo's technical expectations for Engineering Leaders?
This post will explore how EMs at Monzo continue to leverage their software engineering backgrounds in practice, and how Monzo assesses those skills in our hiring process.

How to create a customer segmentation: choosing the right segmentation approach
Customer segmentation is the art of dividing customers into useful groups, but there are a lot of pitfalls to avoid along the way. Here is Monzo’s guide to help you decide your segmentation approach, collect the right data, and more.

An update on our gender pay gap, 2023
Between 5 April 2022 and 5 April 2023, our median gender pay gap reduced from 9.3% to 8.1%.