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Monzo Blog

The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Monzo team.

Growth of models, tests, and committers since August 2019
15 December 2022

Building an extension framework for dbt

dbt is a fundamental piece of Monzo’s data platform. We made the big decision to build a whole new extension framework that would give us more flexibility.

Image of two hands high fiving
13 December 2022

Monzo Magic hackathon: 3 days, 120 ideas, 333 Monzonauts

This August, as we were wrapping up the summer, Monzonauts across the business set out to learn from each other, have fun and build things centred around one theme: Monzo Magic. This activity is commonly referred to in the industry as a hackathon.

Business Basics
Business Banking
2 December 2022

Gross profit, net profit & profit margins: what are they, how to calculate them and what's a good one

What is gross profit? Net profit? Profit Margins? This guide explains what they are, how to calculate them and what they can tell you about your business.

Business Basics
Business Banking
6 December 2022

A guide to purchase orders

What is a purchase order, what information do you need to include, and what's the difference between a purchase order & an invoice? Our guide covers it.

Business Basics
Business Banking
3 December 2022

What is an Invoice? How to write an invoice and what information is required

What is an invoice, how do you create one, and what information needs to be included? Our guide will help you make sense of it all.

Business Basics
Business Banking
4 December 2022

How to get unpaid invoices paid

Unpaid invoices can be stressful, but unfortunately not uncommon. Waiting on an overdue invoice? Here’s the steps you can take to get it paid.

How to Save Money
5 December 2022

How to balance spending and saving

Curb unnecessary spending and build a savings habit you can actually sustain.

Monzo Me
30 November 2022

“Budgeting for things that bring me joy helped me pay off debt and start saving”

Cutting back on less important things while still spending on exercise and entertainment helped Joe, 31, develop a lasting savings habit.

28 November 2022

Our borrowing principles

As part of our commitment to being a responsible lender, we follow 3 principles. This is our promise to you, and shows what you can expect if you borrow money from Monzo.

A picture shows a square with dotted lines - the 'cluster-O'. Outside this square to the top left is a green box that says 'pool(s)' and a blue box on the bottom right that says 'NAT Gateway' . Inside the dotted line box are four green boxes near each corner of the square, between the two top green boxes is a small orange rectangle numbered '1' that these two green boxes have arrows pointing into. The top right green box is numbered '2'. There are arrows connecting the top right corner green box to the bottom right green box, and the bottom left box connecting to the bottom right and top left green boxes. An arrow pointing up from the bottom left to the top right green box says '3'. An arrow pointing from the top green box to the middle orange box is labelled '4'. The top left box green says  'CoreDNS', the top right green box says 'egress-operator', the bottom right box says 'egress-gateway', the bottom left box says 'microservices', the orange box says 'ExternalService'. The bottom green box has an arrow pointing to the blue box next to it that sits outside the dotted line square. There is an arrow pointed to the right from the blue box that says 'Out to the internet'.
25 November 2022

Reducing our NAT Gateway cost with private networking between AWS and GCP

Sharing knowledge on how we implementing private networking between AWS and GCP

Monzo Flex - pay at checkout
18 November 2022

How insights shaped building a 0-1 product: Monzo Flex

We wanted to share more about why we launched a new 0-1 product to help people pay for purchases later and how a mixed-method research discovery led to the product that over hundreds of thousands of customers use and love today!

An illustration of a face surrounded by thoughts and objects like a clock, book, lightbulb, and some gears
10 November 2022

Taking a design system approach to research guidelines

If you’re starting out in a new role in research ops, design ops or any other kind of team operations, this blog will take you through the ins and outs of creating a flexible how-to guide database for scale.

Two text message bubbles saying "Monzo Me" 

Quote in hot coral on a pink background saying "Old school money-saving methods helped me save £3k" 

Marie, 49, North Wales
Monzo Me
8 November 2022

“Cash stuffing helped me save £3k in a year”

Old school savings techniques are having a comeback. Marie, 49, saved for her dream kitchen in a year by digitising tried-and-tested money-saving methods.

An illustration of two hands with a heart inbetween them, with drops of water across each of their arms
Let's Talk Business
Business Banking
8 November 2022

Cost of living: how we’re supporting you and your business

The cost of living crisis is affecting all of us in some way. We’ve been speaking to business customers about their experiences and worries, and we’ve summarised how we can help as the situation evolves.

UI showing a Pot for "Groceries" 
Title saying: How to do cash stuffing with Monzo Pots 
UI showing 'create a Pot' 
on a hot coral background!
How Money Works
8 November 2022

Cash stuffing and other "old school" ways to save money, with Monzo

Classic saving methods involving cash are becoming more popular. Here’s how you can do them with Monzo.