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Monzo Blog

The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Monzo team.

Product Updates
19 July 2018

Try setting goals for Pots in Monzo Labs!

Whether you’re planning a wedding or saving up for a new phone, try setting goals for your pots and saving towards them!

Product Updates
18 July 2018

Round up your Monzo purchases automatically!

You can automatically round up transactions to the nearest pound and put the spare change aside into any pot!

Product Updates
16 July 2018

Schedule payments into Pots!

Start putting money aside regularly by scheduling payments into Pots.

Diversity and Inclusion
6 July 2018

Celebrating Pride 🏳️‍🌈

As we prepare for Pride in London tomorrow, we meet LGBT+ people across the company to hear about what they do at Monzo, what it’s like to work here, and what Pride means to them.

Product Updates
Budgeting Tips
5 July 2018

Set a monthly spending budget with Summary

You can choose to set a spending budget that doesn’t relate to the balance in your account, and track your progress against it each month.

Quarterly Updates
5 July 2018

Monzo Monthly Update: July

From adding international payments to rolling out joint accounts, we take a look at the progress we’ve made in June, and explain what’s in store for July.

Product Updates
5 July 2018

Pay people with your fingerprint on Android!

You can now pay other people using just your fingerprint, without needing your PIN.

Product Updates
4 July 2018

Making recurring payments on Monzo even better

We want to make Monzo the best bank in the world for managing your Direct Debits, standing orders and other regular payments like Netflix or Spotify.

Product Updates
3 July 2018

We’re halfway through The Big List! An update

Halfway through, we wanted to reflect on our progress and update you on exactly where we’re at.

Product Updates
3 July 2018

Custom Monzo app icons on iOS

Today, we’re announcing another new feature in the iOS app that came out of Monzo Time — custom app icons!

How We Protect You
28 June 2018

Protecting customers from the Ticketmaster breach: Monzo's story

Last night, Ticketmaster revealed a major data breach in which tens of thousands of people had their card details stolen. Our customers have nothing to worry about.

Engineering Culture
27 June 2018

Organising teams and managing engineers

Engineering manager Chris explains how we organise our teams and approach engineering management at Monzo.

Engineering Culture
26 June 2018

Monzo Time: Working on projects outside our product roadmap

Android platform lead Emma explains why our engineers spend one day each month working on ideas that aren’t in the roadmap, and shares some of the familiar features that were built during Monzo time!

Engineering Culture
25 June 2018

We’ve published our Engineering Progression Framework

To make sure all our engineers have clear paths to progression, we’ve put together a framework that explains what we expect from engineers across the company, and we’re sharing it transparently today.

Product Updates
25 June 2018

Send money abroad with Monzo and Wise!

We’re incredibly excited to announce today that we’ve teamed up with Wise to provide international money transfers from within your Monzo app!