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Finding important features in the new Home screen

We’ve designed the new Home screen to put all the most important account features right there in on one screen.

Card actions

Your Monzo accounts – including joint accounts and Flex if you have them – sit towards the top of the Home screen and for each account you’ll see a ‘Card’ button.

Tapping that button lets you access the card details for that account, including the long card number and CVC. As always, you’ll need to prove it’s you by either showing your face or fingerprint, or entering your PIN, before we reveal any personal information.

Tapping this ‘Card’ button also gives you the option to freeze your card if you’ve lost it or you think it’s been stolen.

Account actions

For each of your Monzo accounts you’ll see three dots in the bottom right-hand corner which you can tap to reveal account actions. There are quite a few actions in the list, including:

  • adding money

  • view your bank statements

  • scheduling payments

  • sharing your account details

  • managing your account

  • viewing fees and allowances.

Latest and upcoming payments

You’ll find these in the ‘Activity’ section just below your accounts. We designed this area to show you the most recent or upcoming payments for your accounts.

If you have more than one type of Monzo account you’ll notice a little icon over the merchant logo to show which Monzo account of yours the payment’s for (personal or joint).

Tapping the ‘See all’ blue text reveals a full list of payments across all your accounts. To view your latest payments by account tap on the account at the top of your Home screen.


We’ve moved these to their own dedicated area on the Home screen, right under the Activity section. You can choose to view your Pots as images that you slide left and right through or as a vertical list. To change how you view Pots tap the three dots in the top right of the Pots section.

Tapping the three dots reveals a menu of actions that also includes sorting your Pots (changing which order they appear in and hiding or unhiding) as well as creating new ones or archiving existing ones.


Savings Pots have moved further down the Home screen. Underneath the Pots section, you’ll now find the new Savings & Investments section.

In this section you can keep track of any Savings or Investments Pots that you have, keeping them separate from your Regular Pots and spending.


There’s no change to this part. To access Settings you still tap your profile in the top left-hand corner of the Home screen. You’ll notice a new action that sits just underneath Settings which allows you to edit the layout of your Home screen if you want to.

We want Monzo to fit how you manage your financial life, which is why you can customise what you see in your Home screen, in what order, and with what level of detail.

Adding or creating things

Lastly, if you’re looking to add or create things for your account like Pots, opening a business account, taking out a loan or switching your account over to Monzo, that’s what the ‘+’ button in the top right of your Home screen is for.

We’re here to help

That just about covers the most important parts of the new Home screen. But, if you have any follow-up questions about where to find things please send us a message and we’ll be happy to help.

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