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Monzo Blog

The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Monzo team.

How Money Works
18 March 2019

Try this one trick to stop yourself spending your savings

Always dipping into your savings? Nudge yourself out of the habit by using your guilt to your own advantage.

Housemates OG
Monzo 101
15 March 2019

How to use Monzo to manage money with your housemates

We can't make your housemates do the dishes. But using Monzo can make moving in, paying rent and living together easier!

Money in Love
14 March 2019

Money in Love: Lauren & Dan

Through stories from real-life relationships, we're tackling the taboo around couples and their cash.

How Money Works
13 March 2019

How to sell stuff online

Having a clearout or starting your own side-hustle? Learn how to pick the right marketplace, protect yourself, and get paid by buyers when you sell stuff online.

How Money Works
8 March 2019

How to ask for a pay rise (and how to spend it when you get one!)

Are you being paid what you’re worth?

How Money Works
Budgeting Tips
6 March 2019

How to budget if you don’t get paid regularly

If you’re a freelancer, self-employed or on a zero-hours contract, it can be even harder to budget when your income keeps changing.

How Money Works
4 March 2019

Should I use a credit card for my holiday?

Thinking of using a credit card to afford your holiday, protect your bookings or access money abroad? Here’s what you should consider first.

How Money Works
3 March 2019

How to manage money when you’re terrible with money

Think you're bad with money? No one’s beyond help.

Money in Love
28 February 2019

Money in Love: Nick & Amy

Through stories from real-life relationships, we're tackling the taboo around couples and their cash.

Illustration of three jars filled with money
How Money Works
28 November 2019

Piggy banking: Save money with this popular budgeting technique

Also known as the envelope method, piggy banking can help you control spending by dividing up your money and keeping it in different places.

Money in Love
21 February 2019

Money in Love: Jen & Dave

Through stories from real-life relationships, we're tackling the taboo around couples and their cash.

Dear Monzo
21 February 2019

Introducing: Dear Monzo 📝

Journalist and author Laura Whateley is our new resident agony aunt, and she’s here to help you face your financial dilemmas.

How Money Works
19 February 2019

Home insurance – do you really need it?

Is home insurance worth the cost? We look at how buildings and contents insurance work, what you’ll have to pay and whether you really need them.

How Money Works
14 February 2019

How to save when you have no money

Saving money can seem impossible when you’re always broke.

Money in Love
14 February 2019

Money in Love: Charlotte & Frank

Through stories from real-life relationships, we're tackling the taboo around couples and their cash.