Monzo Blog
The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Monzo team.
We’re seeing more pyramid schemes on social media. Here’s how to protect yourself.
More people are falling victim to pyramid schemes on social media. Here’s how you can protect yourself against this increasingly common kind of fraud.
We deployed Envoy Proxy to make Monzo faster
We moved our remote procedure call (RPC) service mesh from Linkerd to Envoy to make Monzo faster.
We’re helping The Big Issue sellers get more out of each magazine
As part of our No Barriers To Banking campaign, we’ve worked with The Big Issue to let you sell the magazine onto your friends so vendors can earn more.
Money in Love: Ash & Bobby
Lincolnshire couple Ash & Bobby make £23k and stick to a meticulous budget while Bobby works less to look after their two young daughters.
Icelandic airline WOW Air has gone bust. Have you been affected?
Iceland's WOW Air announced that it’s stopped operating and cancelled all future flights. Here's what to do if you're a Monzo customer that's been affected.
Money in Love: Katherine & Christina
Through stories from real-life relationships, we're tackling the taboo around couples and their cash.
An update on diversity and inclusion at Monzo, March 2019
We’re building a bank that works for everyone, and to do that we need a diverse team. Here's an update on our progress so far and our plans to improve.
How we improved our staff VPN
OpenVPN is great, but there were some things we wanted to change.
You can now add your own images to Pots, and you've been taking full advantage
We love your creativity.
Try this one trick to stop yourself spending your savings
Always dipping into your savings? Nudge yourself out of the habit by using your guilt to your own advantage.
How to use Monzo to manage money with your housemates
We can't make your housemates do the dishes. But using Monzo can make moving in, paying rent and living together easier!
Money in Love: Lauren & Dan
Through stories from real-life relationships, we're tackling the taboo around couples and their cash.
How to sell stuff online
Having a clearout or starting your own side-hustle? Learn how to pick the right marketplace, protect yourself, and get paid by buyers when you sell stuff online.
How to ask for a pay rise (and how to spend it when you get one!)
Are you being paid what you’re worth?
How to budget if you don’t get paid regularly
If you’re a freelancer, self-employed or on a zero-hours contract, it can be even harder to budget when your income keeps changing.