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Monzo Blog

The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Monzo team.

Business Basics
Let's Talk Business
Business Banking
2 March 2022

Everything you need to know about Making Tax Digital

We've teamed up with our friends at Xero to share everything you need to know before 1 April's Making Tax Digital deadline 🧾

24 February 2022

Scaling our on-call process

As Monzo has grown, we've continued to change our on-call process so we can keep our systems running smoothly without sacrificing the wellbeing of our engineers. Luke Briscoe explains what we've changed and how.

Two people talking about money
Diversity and Inclusion
23 February 2022

Mutual Mentoring at Monzo

Our teammates talk us through how taking part in mutual mentoring has helped develop their professional and personal journeys.

Ever wondered how Monzo calculates balances (the amount of money) within accounts and pots? We calculate plenty of balances beyond the main one you see in the app and this makes things more complicated than it seems.
18 February 2022

How we calculate balances

In June 2021 we started designing and implementing a new way to calculate balances that is more reliable and consistent. This post explains why the old approach needed improving and the changes we made.

Customer Support
16 February 2022

What is economic abuse and how to spot it

Economic abuse can be hard to spot, and can happen gradually or subtly, without you even realising. Our Vulnerable Customer Manager Kate Graham explains what economic abuse looks like, and how Monzo can help.

15 February 2022

Securely delegating trust with digital signatures and secret storage systems

This post explains how our public key infrastructure uses a combination of different secret storage systems to implement a balance between security assurances and usability.

8 February 2022

Processing payments safely at scale

We ship changes many times a day while making sure that payments are processed as expected. This blog post explores how we do this and focuses on two ideas that could be useful outside of the world of payment processing.

4 February 2022

How we validated our handling time data

We make lots of decisions based on data from customer support. We need to make sure we can trust this data. In this post, Niamh explains how her team validated the data.

three cards and a padlock
28 January 2022

Keep your phone and Monzo app up to date

Your Monzo account is more secure and you have access to all our latest features when your app and phone are up to date.

The Monzo Design team - about 15 people - sitting on some wooden steps in the office
21 January 2022

My first three months at Monzo as a Product Designer

Heldiney joined Monzo in August 2021 as a Product Designer in the Personal Banking team. Here's his early impressions!

Join the 1p Saving Challenge
How to Save Money
19 January 2022

Save £667.95 in 2025 with the 1p Saving Challenge

It's a simple way to save money, and it starts by saving just 1p.

a switch labelled 'round up transactions', with gold coins and a Monzo card in front of it
How to Save Money
19 January 2022

How to save the spare change

Round up your spending to the nearest pound and put the spare change in a Pot.

tweet saying "a joke that didn't get the likes it deserved" – with a large coin on top
How to Save Money
19 January 2022

How to save money every time you tweet

If you had £1 for every time you tweet, how long would it take you to be a millionaire?

illustration of a person running, with three huge gold coins in front of them
How to Save Money
19 January 2022

How to save money as you run, walk or cycle

Save money as you exercise and tick off two New Years’ Resolutions in one.

17 January 2022

My first 6 months at Monzo as a Backend Engineer

Bee Skerritt joined the Infrastructure squad as a backend engineer. In this post, he explains his journey to Monzo and his experience so far.