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Monthly Cash Flow report FAQs

Some of the common questions about our monthly cash flow report are:

- When can I access my Monthly cash flow report?

Your monthly cash flow report is available on the 1st of each month or your custom month start date if you have set one up in Insights. The reports are only available to businesses with sufficient number of transactions.

- Where can I access my Monthly cash flow report?

The Monthly cash flow report is available from the ‘Insights’ tab, under the charts. If you have turned on Insights notifications, the report will also be available on your Home page. The report is renewed on the 1st of each month, or your custom month start date if you set this in Insights.

- How do I move forwards, go backwards or pause the experience?

Tap right to move forward or tap left to move backwards through the screens, and press and hold on the screen to pause it.

- Are transactions from my Connected Accounts included?

Yes, if you have connected another bank account to Monzo through OpenBanking (Pro or Team plan customers only), those transactions will be included. When you connect a new account, we are able to pull in the latest 90 days of transactions, which will be included in your report.

- Which transactions are excluded from my Monthly cash flow report?

By default, ‘Transfers’ is excluded from Insights as this often is used for Pot transfers or transfers to other bank accounts.

- I have some transactions showing as ‘Income’ that shouldn’t be, what can I do to change this?

This is likely due to an incorrect category. You can recategorise transactions by tapping on the transaction in the Monzo app and changing its category. This will update your report with the new category instantly.

You can set other categories to be excluded by going to the Insights tab, then tap ‘edit’ next to 'excluded from spending'. You’ll see a list of all your categories and be able to select any you’d like to exclude from your spending totals.

- I have some transactions that have an incorrect category. How do I change this?

You can recategorise transactions by tapping on the transaction and changing its category. This will update your report with the new category the next time you view it.

- One of my invoices is showing as due, but I have received payment. How do I update this?

Please head to the Get Paid tab at the bottom of the Home screen where you can find the Invoices to update their status.

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