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Switching between Business Plans

You can switch between Monzo Business plans at any time, if you’re an Admin on an account:

  1. head to Home

  2. tap on your profile

  3. select Settings

  4. tap on your business account

  5. select Change account type

Monzo Business Pro is £9 a month and Monzo Business Team starts at £25 a month, with the first 3 months free if you apply before 1 April 2025. After, we’ll charge you on the same day of the month that your plan started.

You can change your plan when your payments are up to date. You’ll need to drop us a line if you’ve given friends/colleagues access to the account - in some cases we can’t change your plan until we’ve removed them.

When you change your plan, we will work out any percentage of the plan fee you are owed based on the number of days left until your next fee was due, then we refund this to your account.

This means if you move to Lite 20 days after your Pro fee was taken in a 30 day month, we will refund you 10 days worth of the fee amount.

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