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How do I add a UTR (Unique Taxpayer Reference) to my profile and what is this for?

Adding your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) to your account

If you are a Monzo Business customer, here’s how to add your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) to your business’ profile.

  1. On the home screen for your business account in the app, tap on your profile icon in the top left corner

  2. Select Settings

  3. Select the appropriate business

  4. Select Tax residency and TIN in the Tax Status section

  5. Add your information

If you do not know your UTR, you can typically find it on letters from HMRC. Alternatively, check this link on the website for guidance on how to find it

Why do we need it?

We ask for businesses’ Tax Identification Numbers (TIN) because tax authorities use them to avoid mixing up tax payers.

A TIN is a combination of letters and/or numbers. It’s normally the reference you’d use for your business tax returns.

If the country your business is a tax resident of doesn’t issue TINs then we may be able to accept a business registration code or number instead.

UK business tax residents

In the UK, TINs come in the form of a Unique Taxpayer Reference number (UTR). We can’t accept your business’ VAT registration number as an alternative to a TIN.

If you don’t have a TIN

If you don’t have a TIN, you can select “I don’t have a TIN” in the app and tell us why.

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