How we identify DWP/DFC payments
Payments from the Department of Work and Pensions and the Department of Communities
We consider you to be meeting the criteria for bigger cash and card allowances if you’ve received an eligible Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) or an eligible Department for Communities’ (DFC) payment into a Monzo account in your name over the last rolling 35-day period.
How Monzo identifies eligible DWP and DFC payments
We will match payments that you receive from accounts that we know are used by DWP and DFC.
We will match payments from the following accounts if they include “dwp” in the sender name:
Sort code: 60-70-80 Account no: starting 100*****
Sort code: 20-67-59 Account no: 23019330
Sort code: 20-67-59 Account no: 93472930
Sort code: 95-01-21 Account no: 60290491
Sort code: 95-01-21 Account no: 70290416
We will match payments from the following account if they include “dfc” in the sender name:
Sort code: 95-01-21 Account no: 91253476
We will match payments from the following account if they include “Pgo tax0000069.80” in the sender name:
Sort code: 60-70-80 Account no: 10011471
If you receive a payment not made from these accounts then we won’t be able to automatically detect it, but you can apply for higher limits here.