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Tom Blomfield

We're taking a look back at 2019 with a sneak peak at what's coming in 2020.
Monzo HQ
9 January 2020

Monzo in 2020: looking back and looking forward

Our CEO, Tom, reflects on what we achieved in 2019 and gives a sneak peek into what we’re working on this year.

Monzo HQ
18 October 2019

Our response to the BBC Watchdog report: Why we sometimes have to block or close accounts

Last night, BBC Watchdog discussed how we deal with financial crime and why we block or close some accounts. We wanted to share some more details about how we approach this and be as transparent as we can.

Monzo HQ
4 January 2019

Monzo in 2019

2018 was big for us, but 2019 is set to be our most exciting year yet. We look ahead to what's in store.

Monzo HQ
30 November 2018

Setting the record straight on our crowdfunding round

This morning, a Times writer published an article claiming we are lending money to customers to buy shares in a supposed “overdraft offer” as part of our recently announced crowdfunding round. I want to set the record straight.

Monzo HQ
2 July 2018

The new Monzo mission

We’ve been giving thought to our mission recently; to why we really exist, beyond what we do or how we do it. And we’re excited to share it with you today!

Monzo HQ
29 June 2018

We suspect some data has been compromised in the Typeform breach. All money is safe.

We were notified at 4.55pm this afternoon that Typeform, a company we’ve used to collect survey results in the past, has suffered a data breach. No-one’s bank details have been affected, and your money and account are safe.

Monzo HQ
19 February 2018

Three Years of Monzo

CEO Tom Blomfield reflects on what he’s learned since Monzo first started, three years ago this week.

Monzo HQ
5 April 2017

Welcome to Monzo Bank!

Today, we're incredibly happy to announce that our banking licence restrictions have been lifted!

15 August 2016

Launching The Bank

Last week we received news from the Bank of England that we’d been granted authorisation to conduct banking activities…

Banking and Regulation
20 January 2016

How do bank payments actually work?

After last month’s post on card payments, we thought we’d follow-up with a post on...

Banking and Regulation
15 December 2015

Why are foreign card payments such a mess?

Making card payments abroad has always been a painful experience. For me, the first...

Banking and Regulation
2 December 2015

3 Second Sandwich

Mondo recently rolled out our Alpha program to 500 lucky testers. If you weren’t...

Product Updates
30 October 2015

We're Ready

We are incredibly excited to announce the start of the Mondo Alpha Preview. We’ll shortly be...

1 October 2015

The First Mondo Hackathon

A few weeks ago we released the Mondo API, allowing people to...

Monzo HQ
1 June 2015

Welcome to Mondo!

Mondo is a new challenger bank in the UK, focussed on making your financial life easier...