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Beatrice Borbon

How to Save Money
5 December 2022

How to balance spending and saving

Curb unnecessary spending and build a savings habit you can actually sustain.

Monzo Me
30 November 2022

“Budgeting for things that bring me joy helped me pay off debt and start saving”

Cutting back on less important things while still spending on exercise and entertainment helped Joe, 31, develop a lasting savings habit.

Two people talking about money
Diversity and Inclusion
23 February 2022

Mutual Mentoring at Monzo

Our teammates talk us through how taking part in mutual mentoring has helped develop their professional and personal journeys.

Monzo 101
16 November 2021

4 reasons you shouldn't get Monzo, according to people who have

We'll play devil's advocate to help you decide.

Monzo Premium
16 July 2020

Everything you need to know about our holographic debit card

Our blue holographic card is exclusive to Monzo Plus, and it's our boldest card yet. Here's everything you need to know about it.

Monzo Premium
16 July 2020

8 ways Monzo Plus can power-up your budgeting and supercharge your savings

The bank account from Monzo that helps you get a grip on your finances and make your money work harder.

12 July 2020

“I sent our £23,000 house deposit to a fraudster who posed as our lawyer”

55-year-old Richard from Essex was preparing to buy a home with his partner, when a scammer tricked the couple out of the thousands they'd saved up for their house deposit with a very convincing scam.

Let's Talk Business
16 March 2022

How to open a business bank account with just your phone

Open a full bank account, straight from your phone, with Monzo Business.

Let's Talk Business
Business Banking
12 May 2020

11 reasons to get Monzo Business

If you're considering Monzo for your business, this might just convince you.

1 May 2020

How to live on 80% of your usual income

If you’ve lost your job, had a pay cut or gone on furlough because of coronavirus, you might need to make your money stretch further. We'll walk you through how to make a simple budget.

How Money Works
19 February 2020

Save £5 automatically, every time it rains

Take advantage of the terrible weather and boost your savings every time it rains.

Monzo HQ
18 February 2020

Monzo and Money Saving Expert are the UK’s most recommended brands

According to research by YouGov, 90% of customers would recommend Monzo to a friend 🚀

Monzo HQ
23 January 2020

More people switch their bank accounts to Monzo

18 people joined Monzo for every one that left – more than any other bank!

How Money Works
23 January 2020

Take on the Spare Change Saving Challenge

Round-up your spending to the nearest pound and put the spare change in a Pot. It adds up quicker than you think!

Year in Monzo reaction OG image
How I Use Monzo
17 January 2020

12 best reactions to Year in Monzo

We've collected the best reactions that show just how much you loved your Year in Monzo.