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Failed Direct Debit

Direct Debit can fail because:

  • there wasn’t enough money in your account

  • the other company didn’t give us your Direct Debit instruction

In both instances, contact the merchant (person or organisation you want to pay) and make sure the Direct Debit is set up properly.

There wasn’t enough money in your account

If you don’t have enough money in your account when the Direct Debit is scheduled to go out, it will fail. If that happens, we'll retry the Direct Debit later that same day.

If the company collecting the Direct Debit can't charge your account, they'll usually get in touch with you directly to collect the money within a couple of days.

The other company didn’t give us your Direct Debit instruction

Sometimes, a company won’t send us the ‘mandate’ that shows you’ve given them permission to collect money from your account. Or they might try to collect the money before they’ve sent the mandate through. In either case, the Direct Debit will fail.

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