Year in Monzo 2020 is now available in the app!
Year in Monzo shows you insights into how you spent, saved, shared money with friends and worked towards your financial goals over the last year. It’s private, but shareable if you like. (So no-one else will see your Year in Monzo unless you choose to share it.)
We wanted this year’s Year in Monzo to stay true to what we’ve done before, but there’s no getting away from the fact this hasn’t been a normal year for most people. Your relationship with money might have been more strained than normal, and at the very least you likely spent and saved differently than you have done in the past.

🆕 What’s new?
We’ve kept some of the graphs and insights that people have enjoyed in the past, but there’s a distinct 2020 take on this year’s experience too. There’s less of a focus on travel (for obvious reasons) and more of a focus on how your spending behaviour changed as your lifestyle changed. Were you one of the people who spent more online and less in store? We’ll show you how that shifted over the course of the year.
If you've got Monzo Plus or Monzo Premium you'll see insights based on some of the things you get with those accounts. Unfortunately we can't do the same for Monzo Joint Accounts or Monzo Business Accounts just yet, but we'd love to for 2021.

🔐 Private, but shareable
Don’t worry – your Year in Monzo is just between you and us unless you choose to share it. If you do, let us know what you think using #YearInMonzo! Let us know what else you’d like to see from your Year in Monzo next time too.
However you found 2020, everyone at Monzo sends you their best wishes for a safe and happy new year.