
We’ve made our writing system available to all
We’re sharing how we write in our app with writers, designers, engineers and everyone else in case they find it helpful.

Elevate your design work with storytelling
We invited Ben Sauer, author of Death By Screens, to the Monzo London office for a workshop on the art of storytelling in relation to design. We've shared our favourite bits with you in our latest blog.

User Research Insight to Impact: The Art of Scaling Impact and Crafting Goal-Driven Metrics
Drawing upon the wisdom and practices of our user research team at Monzo, this blog post captures ways to scale user research impact, craft effective goals, and define clear metrics.

How we use design to create business impact
This post delves into how Monzo is building on our product-led growth by adopting new growth design ways of working and how uniquely positioned design is as a business tool for growth. Buckle-up!

What’s so unique about design and research at Monzo?
Recently, one of our Senior Product Designers, Jay, spoke to a group of junior designers who wanted to learn more about Fintech. Here’s how our design and research team has found working in Fintech.

How we design magic moments at Monzo
Vuokko Aro, VP of Design talks about how Monzo designs experiences that are surprisingly magical.

We’ve had a little makeover!
Our visual branding has a fresh new look. It’s more friendly, more human, more Monzo ❤️

How to increase your impact as a Product Designer
Impact gets used a lot in relation to career progression here at Monzo. What does impact really mean and how do you put it in to practice

Pellets not cannonballs: How we experiment at Monzo
In Alex's first 6 months at Monzo, we ran 21 experiments. In this post, Alex explains how we design and run experiments, and how they help us improve the customer experience.

My first three months at Monzo as a Product Designer
Heldiney joined Monzo in August 2021 as a Product Designer in the Personal Banking team. Here's his early impressions!

How to successfully run your own 'design input' sessions
Product designer Dom breaks down our Design team's secrets to running an effective 'design input' session.

Why your design team should run 'design input' sessions
Discipline-wide, remote-friendly sessions where product designers, user researchers, brand designers and design directors all bring their knowledge to the table to help provide valuable feedback to work in progress.

How we design the tools that power our award-winning customer support experience
Designing an empathetic help experience at scale is a big challenge. Here are the methods and tools we use to set ourselves up for success.

Seven things I learnt scaling research (and design) at Monzo
Samantha Davies, our Senior User Research Manager, shares some of the key lessons she's learnt in over three years in the constantly changing environment here at Monzo.

Why everyone at Monzo does research
It might seem like blasphemy to other researchers, but we encourage everyone who works on the Monzo app to do their own user research.