Three months ago we published The Big List – a rundown of features you told us were missing, and that you’d need to make Monzo your main account.
We committed to fixing them in exactly three month’s time, and today we reached our deadline.
We’re happy to say that we ticked 11/14 items off our list!

It’s been a busy and brilliant three months! Working through the list has really helped us build momentum, and committing to do it publicly has meant you can hold us to account. We’d loved seeing so many people following along in the community and @MakingMonzo on Twitter.
We made a lot of progress, but there are three items that we still need to finish: locking your app with a PIN, receiving international payments, and getting interest paid on savings. We're sorry we missed the deadline, but we’ve started work on all of them already and shared updates about each one on the blog.
Just because the deadline’s over, it doesn’t mean we’re done. We’ll keep improving the features we added (and working on brand new ones too!)
What’s next?
There are still loads of ways we can improve each of the items on our list. Ticking something off doesn’t mean we’re finished with it forever!
Here’s how we plan to keep improving the features we’ve added.
Better payee management
We want to make it even easier to make and manage your bank transfers, Direct Debits and standing orders with Monzo. Next up we’ll:
Help you add a payee without having to pay them first
Make it easier to manage multiple payees that belong to the same person
Make managing payees for bills better so you can quickly understand who you need to pay, even when the account number and sort code’s the same
Improving recurring payments
Managing your regular payments should be easy, and flexible enough to fit in with your life. We want to:
Help you set up more flexible standing orders — Right now you can make standing orders that repeat daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. But we’ll add the ability to make them repeat at other regular intervals, like every four weeks for example.
Let you schedule recurring Monzo-to-Monzo payments and make scheduled transfers between your personal and joint accounts
Add the ability to edit scheduled pot transfers (like you can with bank transfers already)
Let you separate your spending money from the money you need for bills, rent and other regular expenses
Help you budget and track your spending in a timeframe that suits you, and reduce the need to update Summary every time you’re paid
Joint accounts
We launched joint accounts last week, but there are a few features we still need to add:
Bringing Pots to joint accounts
Helping you switch joint accounts to Monzo easily with the Current Account Switch Service
Making switching between accounts clearer, so you know whether you’re looking at your personal or joint account (see some of our early designs!)
Making transfers between your personal and joint account clearer
Cheque deposits
We’ve added more info in the app about how to pay in cheques, and we’re already working on helping you pay in cheques just by taking a picture!
Bringing Android up to speed with iOS
After adding Targets, Travel Reports and the ability to pay with your fingerprint, next we’ll let you protect your account by requesting PIN reminders with your fingerprint.
Improving merchant acceptance so your card works in more places
We’re working on making sure Monzo is accepted wherever Mastercard is, and we’ve explained what we’re doing here.
It’s an ongoing process and we’re always working to improve it (and adding 3D Secure helps too!)
3D Secure
After testing it in Monzo Labs for a week, we started rolling out 3D Secure to everyone this morning! We’ll keep working to make sure it’s being accepted at every merchant.
Thank you!
Your feedback really helped us understand what you need from your bank, and put it at the top of our list. Let us know what you think we should work on next in the community!
Ready to go #FullMonzo, Making Monzo your main account is easy with the Current Account Switch Service. Find out more here. Or if you're reading this on your phone, you can start your switch to Monzo now!