Jami Welch

What's next for the new look Monzo app? We're improving it using your feedback
We recently released Monzo 3.0 and gave Monzo a makeover! You’ve shared lots of useful feedback, which we’ll be using to make some improvements.

How Monzo helps you plan ahead
You can now see all your upcoming payments in Monzo. Here's how you can always stay one step ahead of your finances.

Stick to your savings goals by locking your Pots
To help you avoid dipping into your savings, you can lock your Pots until a date you choose.

Save together with Pots on joint accounts!
You can now use Pots on joint accounts!

We’re making Summary more flexible
We’re updating Summary so you can budget in a way that works for you.

Making Monzo a better current account
For the next three months, a dedicated squad will work on some small but significant improvements that you’ve told us we need to address next.

Move money out of Pots automatically!
You can now move money out of Pots automatically, so you can spend it when you need it!

The end of The Big List!
Three months ago today we published a list of features and committed to bringing them to you. Here’s what we’ve done in the last three months to make Monzo better, and what we plan to do next!

Manage your money together with joint accounts!
Introducing Monzo joint accounts! Pool your resources with someone to make life easier to manage.

We're making it easier to manage your bills
We’ve recently built some new features to make paying bills easier!

Set goals for your Pots!
Whether you’re planning a wedding or saving up for a new phone, you can now set goals for your pots and save towards them!

Try setting goals for Pots in Monzo Labs!
Whether you’re planning a wedding or saving up for a new phone, try setting goals for your pots and saving towards them!

Set a monthly spending budget with Summary
You can choose to set a spending budget that doesn’t relate to the balance in your account, and track your progress against it each month.

Making recurring payments on Monzo even better
We want to make Monzo the best bank in the world for managing your Direct Debits, standing orders and other regular payments like Netflix or Spotify.

Summary Update - Predicting Committed Spending
We're starting to predict Direct Debits and subscriptions and include them in Summary, to give you better control over your budget.