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How do I make a Bulk Payment?

What is a bulk payment and how does it work?

Bulk payments let you make multiple payments in one go.

One of the biggest benefits is that paying employees or suppliers doesn't have to mean copying across individual payee details or approving each and every payment.

Uploading your payee details, rather than entering them manually, makes sure that your important payments go through properly. Meaning your team and suppliers get paid on time, every time.

How do I make bulk payments?

Follow these steps to make a bulk payment.

📱From your phone

  1. Head to the Pay tab and select ‘Make a bulk payment’.

  2. Select ‘Create a new bulk payment’.

  3. Choose how you want to add payee details.

  4. Set the payment amount (you can update this later), adding an individual reference or uploading an invoice or document if you want to.

  5. Review the full payment amount and your remaining balance before confirming the payment, in the top right of this screen you can also schedule it to be sent at a future date.

  6. Confirm it’s you to make the bulk payment.

💻 From our web app

  1. Select ‘Make a payment’ on your Home screen and then ‘Bulk payment’.

  2. Upload a CSV file that includes the details (you'll see a template to use, if you like)

  3. The spreadsheet needs to have the following columns, in this order: Payee name, Sort code, Bank account number, Bank account type, Payment reference, Amount.

  4. Once we’ve checked the details they’ll appear for you to double check and if you like, you can schedule it to be sent at a future date

  5. At this point you’ll need to head to the mobile app to prove it’s you.

Who can make bulk payments?

Account Admins and Collaborators can both make bulk payments.

What types of payments can I make?

Bulk payments let you send up to 200 individual payments at once.

All you need to do is head to the Pay tab or upload a CSV directly.

You can add repeat payees and use the same template each time if you have reoccurring payments.

The payments will be sent as bank transfers and should happen instantly, but they can sometimes take up to 24 hours.

Where to reach out if you need help

If you're having trouble with a transaction or payment, the best way to get help is to tap on the transaction in your Home feed, scroll down and tap on "Something wrong? Get help".

The next screen should explain what happened to the payment and what to do to fix the issue.

Check the details are correct

Tap on the transfer in your feed and scroll down to see the details. Check you’ve got the right account number, sort code and reference.

If you used the wrong details there are several ways you can try to get the money back.

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