Monzo Blog
The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Monzo team.
How we’ve evolved on-call at Monzo
We’ve built a humane on-call rotation, that engineers actually want to join!
How to manage your Universal Credit payments
Once you get approved for Universal Credit, it’ll normally takes five weeks after the date you submitted your claim for you to get the first payment. Here's how you can manage your Universal Credit payments.
How to spot a police impersonation scam phone call
Scam phone calls pretending to be from the police or other organisations you trust like your utilities company are becoming more common. They can often sound and look very real, so here's how to spot one of these scams.
How to recognise financial abuse, and where to get support
Financial abuse is when someone else controls your access to money by coercing, exploiting or sabotaging you.
You can now hide your Pots and change the order they’re in!
See what's important to you first, and hide Pots you don’t want to see every day.
We’re launching confirmation of payee to help keep your money safe from fraudsters!
Confirmation of Payee is a service to make bank transfers safer. It checks that the account holder name and details you typed in match those on the account you’re trying to pay.
How to live on 80% of your usual income
If you’ve lost your job, had a pay cut or gone on furlough because of coronavirus, you might need to make your money stretch further. We'll walk you through how to make a simple budget.
Your questions about debt during coronavirus, answered by StepChange debt charity
Debt charity Stepchange explain how to manage your debts and live on less money than usual during coronavirus.
How to get support if you’re a refugee or asylum seeker during coronavirus
The Scottish Refugee Council explain how lockdown might affect your asylum claim, how to protect yourself if you're living in asylum accommodation, and how you can access government updates in your language.
How to move your business online during coronavirus
Moving your business online during the coronavirus outbreak can be a good way to keep trading during the lockdown.
See how fraudsters run phishing scams, so you can learn to spot their tricks
See how fraudsters run phishing scams, so you can learn to spot their tricks.
“How I beat my gambling addiction and started paying off £100,000 in debt”
Chris is a 38 year-old father of two from Essex who's in recovery after beating his gambling addiction.
What an HMRC scam looks like
Fraudsters are sending emails and texts pretending to be from the government. These scam messages can look and sound very convincing, so here's how to spot an HMRC tax scam.
How to spot a bank scam before it's too late
We've outlined what these bank scams usually look like, how authorised push payment fraud works and how to protect yourself from fraud.
What government support is available for start-ups during coronavirus?
We've summarised and explained what's available to early-stage companies, to help you understand the best options for your business.