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Richard Cook

Marketing team
19 December 2023

How we wrote 5 million Years in Monzo

Running a campaign at this scale is a group effort. The words are especially important because there’s lots of them, and each one counts towards building a delightful experience. Here's the BTS story of how we wrote Year in Monzo this time around.

Illustration showing a jar filled with money
How Money Works
14 December 2020

Save £1,378 in 2021 with the 52 Week Savings Challenge

It starts by saving £1 on the 1st of January.

how to save money
How Money Works
14 December 2020

Save £667.95 in 2021 with the 1p Saving Challenge!

Start on the 1st of January by saving just 1p.

11 November 2020

PayPal text scams: What you need to know

Everything you need to know about PayPal text scams - what they are, how they work, and how you can avoid them.

A tweet that says "If your bank account could talk, what would it say?"
Business Basics
Let's Talk Business
Business Banking
21 August 2020

How to run social media for your business, according to Monzo

The Monzo marketing team share how to get started with using social media to promote your business.

A Flybe airplane
Customer Support
5 March 2020

What to do if you're affected by the Flybe collapse

What to do if you're affected by Flybe going into administration.

Cutting through some cigarettes with a pair of scissors
How I Use Monzo
10 February 2020

"I used Monzo to help quit smoking"

David shares his story about how he's used Monzo to help quit smoking, and saved almost £500 at the same time!

A pot of money with a speech bubble of a tweet asking "How much is this tweet worth?"
How Money Works
13 November 2019

Save money when you tweet with Monzo

Put your tweeting to good use with this handy saving tip!

Thomas Cook airline
Customer Support
23 September 2019

What to do if you're affected by the Thomas Cook collapse

We know this is a worrying situation for a lot of people using Monzo, especially anyone currently abroad, so here's what you can do to get home safely, and get your money back.

Illustration of Hot Chip taking a video selfie
Monzo 101
28 August 2019

Why we ask you to take a video selfie when you sign up for Monzo

We use it to confirm that you're really you.

1 August 2019

Meet the Saving Squad: Bekki

We chatted to super-saver Bekki about how she's used Monzo on her saving journey.

Mental Health
13 May 2019

Revisiting the Vulnerable Customers Team in 2019

They work to understand the needs of all our customers, especially those who are more likely to have problems with their money.

9 November 2018

Sharing our social media guidelines

Companies usually have strict policies about what people can and can’t do on their own social media accounts. At Monzo, we're taking a different approach.

7 November 2018

Making Monzo: Follow along as we build a bank

Introducing some new ways to see what’s coming next from Monzo.

A budgeting calculator on a yellow background
Monzo 101
21 August 2018

How to budget with Monzo

Budgeting apps can take the painful admin out of setting and sticking to a budget. You can use the Monzo app to plan and track your spending, so you can manage your money better.