We owe you. Big time. You’ve helped us change our name, advised us on new features and spread the word amongst your friends (even when they stopped listening!). Building a bank just wouldn’t be half as great without you ❤️ We truly believe community is one of the most unique and exciting aspects of Monzo; it’s a badge we wear with pride and something we look forward to supporting with a renewed focus in 2017.
Back in December we held one of the first in a series of workshops at our office, with a small group of users, hoping to get to grips with some of the areas of community they felt needed some love and attention. Combined with feedback from the community forum and Developers Slack, we took away some super valuable ideas which we were keen to apply as soon as possible.
What's New?
Today we’re introducing some new additions and changes which we hope will unite the many faces of the Monzo community as it continues to grow and diversify.
First, our new Community Page went live on the website today 😀 Here you’ll find updates on all the ways to get involved with the Monzo community in coming months.

We’ll regularly update the timeline with details of events we’re hosting or speaking at, along with links for livestream announcements and demos. Missed something? Browse our newsletter archive to catch up. Enjoy a real time glimpse of the latest tweets from our community, as well as quick links to all of our social media pages.
Whilst we’re on the subject, #MonzoStories launched on Instagram last week. Get following for behind the scenes snippets direct from Monzo HQ every Wednesday, guaranteed to put a smile on your face 🙂
The community forum continues to be a great source of reference and discussion for early users and newcomers alike. If you have a question, an opinion or an experience you’d like to share, this is the place to head! We’ve re-grouped categories and adjusted the layout to make relevant threads easier to find.

This is just the beginning. We’ll be coordinating monthly events to catch up with you in person and we’re working hard on creating lots more great community focused content too. As for the workshop which kicked this revamp off, we’ll be hosting these bi-monthly, each with a slightly different focus. Keep an eye on the community page timeline for details on how to get involved.
Monzonauts are never backwards in coming forwards and we’re eager for you to share your thoughts on how we can support our community in being even more awesome. With so many ways to connect with us now, it’ll be hard to find an excuse not to 😜