Share with us
It can sometimes be helpful to tell us a bit more about yourself. If there’s anything that affects the way you deal with your money or the relationship you have with us as your bank, it might be worth telling us. We can use that knowledge to support you in a way that suits your needs. You can share information directly to our specialist support team through Share with us.
A safe way to get in touch
Using our in-app chat leaves a chat log in your app, and we know that some situations require a more discreet way of communicating with us. Letting us know something through Share with us leaves no trace in your Monzo app, so you can share sensitive information with us without worrying.

What is it?
This is a tool that lives inside the help section of the Monzo app. You can access it through the following help articles:
Telling us about your situation
Talking to us about domestic and financial abuse
Talking to us about an addiction
Talking to us about your accessibility needs
Talking to us about your mental health
Talking to us about unexpected life events
At the bottom of each article is a Tell us more button, which will take you through to Share with us.

Our support
Our specialist team have plenty of experience helping customers who need extra support. But we know nobody understands the support you need like you do, so we’ll take your lead and listen to what you’d like us to do. If it’s appropriate, we’ll reach out to you through in-app chat or phone to tell you the options available. And together we’ll decide how we can support you with your situation.

You're in control
If your issue’s ongoing, we can add a note to your account so that you don’t have to explain what’s happening to support staff again and again, every time you get in touch. Sharing information with us is only an option – a choice that’s totally in your control. We’ll always ask your permission before we make any changes to your account, and we’ll never share your information outside Monzo. If you want us to remove the information you shared for any reason, just let us know.