Credit Scores

What are credit checks or credit searches?
Credit checks can be confusing (sometimes they’re even called credit searches – which only adds to the confusion). We’ve outlined what a credit check actually is, the different types you’ll find and when you might need one.

How to check your credit score
Checking your credit score can help you find out what your borrowing health is like and how you might look to potential lenders. We've outlined how to check your credit score!

What is a 'good' credit score?
There is no universal 'good' or high credit score in the UK! We've explained what a credit score actually is, how to improve it and all the many myths you've probably heard about credit scores...

How to improve your credit score
If you borrow money in the future, looking after your credit score could help you get a good deal. See your credit score in Monzo, and track how it changes over time.