Monzo App Shortcuts on Android: New Update

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To kick off the New Year on Android, we’ve just released ({{ site.adjust_play_store_link }}) to the Play Store. This is mainly a bug fix update, but we also slipped in support for Android App Shortcuts so if your device is on Android 7.1 or higher, you can now press and hold on the Monzo app icon to quickly jump to other areas of the app like Send Money, Spending, Chat and Top up.

You can even drag those shortcuts on to your home screen so they appear as separate icons:

In the future, we’ll look to customise the shortcuts to you individually — so the person you send money to most frequently can have their own shortcut on your homescreen (if you want!).

Just under 20% of our Android users have Android 7.1 and will be able to access app shortcuts now. Most flagship devices from manufacturers like Samsung and OnePlus are expected to be updated over the coming months and so you’ll then be able to access app shortcuts on Monzo immediately.

We’re now hard at work on Monzo on Android for 2017. We’ve got some exciting updates coming over the next few months and we’re also working hard on building support for the full banking current account on Android — check out our transparent product roadmap for all the details of what we're working on over the coming months!