App Lock - FAQs
What is App Lock? Why do I need it?
Like all banks we are constantly reviewing the controls we use.
Usually we ask you to authenticate every 90 days when you open the app or before you do any sensitive actions e.g payment transfers (unless you’ve chosen to turn on App lock in settings).
We are currently testing a mandatory App lock with a small number of customers.
App lock requires you to authenticate yourself every time you open the app (unless you have already authenticated within the last 5 minutes).
But don’t worry this is a quick and easy process, you simply need to enter your personal account PIN or, if enabled, use biometrics (e.g. Face or Touch ID).
Why are you introducing this now, when you’ve previously said you were secure?
At the moment we only ask you to authenticate when you open the Monzo app every 90 days (unless you’ve chosen to turn on App lock in settings).
There are various approaches to authentication in the industry and research tells us that some customers expect to unlock the app each time they open it
At the same time, device biometrics have improved, with FaceID or TouchID making it more convenient and secure to authenticate - 99% of Monzo customers have a biometrics capable device
Why is PIN an option - that doesn’t feel safe? Isn’t it unsafe to have the same PIN as your card? Why can’t I set another code (different to my PIN)?
We know there is a lot of different information for customers to remember when it comes to banking.
We work hard to balance customer experience and security, which is why we don’t want to ask customers to introduce a new code or number to remember.
Also, remember you can change your card PIN at the ATM of any large bank branch in the UK (e.g. Lloyds, Barclays, HSBC) by selecting "PIN Services”
Why can’t I select which PIN I use i.e. business or joint account?
Currently we are asking all customers to use their personal account PIN to enter the app (or biometrics e.g. Face or Touch ID).
We appreciate this may not be ideal for all customers so we are exploring how we can improve this in the future.
Why are you pushing biometrics so much?
Biometrics (use of fingerprint or face to authenticate yourself) have been proven to be quicker, more convenient and safer than using your card PIN. It’s also safer because it reduces the chance of someone looking over your shoulder and seeing your card PIN.
But remember, you can choose whether you want to use biometrics or PIN to authenticate. Also, PIN will remain a fall back option if biometrics doesn’t work for some reason.