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You can now add your own images to Pots, and you've been taking full advantage

You can now pick your own images for your Pots, and let's just say you've been taking full advantage of the new feature.

Check out some of the best images below. Or tap the button below on your phone to get started!

You've been preparing in this time of political uncertainty


Or being sensible and setting money aside for essentials

Can you pay my bills?

You're reminding yourselves of your goals

So inspirational.

And why saving is so important


A few of you just needed some tough love

Whatever works I guess.

At least you've got your priorities straight


Add your own images to your Pots

Tap the button below on your phone to get started!

Find the Pot you want to use and tap 'Edit Pot'.

Then tap the image you want to change and choose any image from your phone's camera roll!