Check if you're eligible for a business account
Only sole traders or limited company directors in the UK can apply. Ts&Cs apply.
Check if you’re eligible for a business account
You can get the time-saving magic of Monzo Business for up to three of your businesses, subject to the eligibility criteria below and our usual Terms & Conditions
Here’s a summary of businesses and industries we can and can’t support at the moment. We’ve been as transparent as we can about why. And we’ll review this on an ongoing basis, as we understand more about how customers use our accounts.
If you meet this criteria you can apply for a Monzo Business account, but it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get an account.
Business types we support right now
You can apply for an account if you’re:
a sole trader, or the director of a registered limited company by shares (Ltd),
based in the UK,
at least 16 years old and
If you’re a limited company, to be eligible your company needs to:
have an active status on Companies House (we can’t support dormant companies),
have an active company director (not disqualified) on Companies House,
have at least one person of significant control (this can be you) listed on Companies House,
make money mostly from selling goods and/or providing services, not mostly from interest or investment income
be a tax resident in the UK, and no other countries
If you’re a limited company, we’ll also verify any people with significant control in your business when you sign up. You can check who the people with significant control in your business are at Companies House.
Business types we can’t support right now
Partnerships, including Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)
Limited companies by guarantee
Community interest company (CIC)
Public Limited companies (PLC)
Clubs or other non-registered organisations
Trusts or funds
Other registered business types, like an unlimited company (Unltd), industrial and provident society (IPS) or Royal Charter (RC).
We might offer accounts to these business types in future but it’s not in our plans at the moment. That’s because we have to gather and store different information on these customers, and there are different rules around how these types of accounts need to be operated.
Sole traders and limited companies make up around 90% of UK businesses, so we’re focusing on supporting them at the moment.
Other reasons we can’t support you
If your business is based, registered, or a tax resident outside of the UK we can’t offer you an account right now. You'll also need to make sure you're in the UK and you're not using a VPN when you apply, so it doesn't seem like your business is based abroad.
And we don’t allow people to use Monzo Business as a client trust account. That means someone holding client or customer money in their account, on behalf of someone else, like solicitors.
Industries we can’t support, no matter your business type
Certain industries have higher risks, where we need to put extra checks and controls in place. We’re currently focusing on industries that don’t need these.
In future, we might offer accounts to some of these industries. But we appreciate this is disappointing for some businesses at the moment.
currency exchanges including virtual currencies, and money services business
mining and quarrying
defence and weapons
consumer credit or lending money
dating or escort services
precious metals and stones (like jewellery)
tattoo and nail parlours
probate and estate management
gambling and betting
weapons manufacturing and/or selling
unlicensed scrap metal
unregistered waste management
shell companies
illegal or unlicensed drugs
used automotive vehicles
bidding fee auctions
regulated or unregulated financial investment, loan, foreign exchange (FX) or banking businesses
selling or making cannabidiol products (CBD), like cannabidiol oil
certain types of manufacturing
financial and insurance activities
public administration and defence, and compulsory social security. That includes things like defence, immigration services, foreign affairs and running government programmes.
activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies. That’s companies like the UN, involved in getting peaceful relations among nations, providing human needs and humanitarian aid, or regulating international trade.
If your industry isn’t mentioned above, you can apply for a business account. But a heads up: we might not accept businesses in other industries too, if we don’t think it’s appropriate.
If your business uses lots of cash, we might not be the right account for you
At the moment you can pay in £5 to £300 of cash in one go.
The payment limit is £3,000 per calendar month for sole traders. For limited companies, it is £10,000 per calendar month.
These limits help reduce the risk that people will use cash deposits for financial crime, while still making sure they’re useful to most people.