Monzo US Blog

Monzo US Blog
29 July 2024

What is APY?

If you're new to saving, you might be wondering what APY is and why it's so important. Here's the lowdown…

Monzo US Blog
29 July 2024

You can now earn up to 4.25% APY on your money with Monzo Savings Jars

Today marks an exciting step on the Monzo journey, as we announce interest on Savings Jars. You’ll now be able to earn interest on money saved in your Jars.

Monzo US Blog
12 September 2023

Achieve your savings goals on time with Pots

Set up a savings goal with a date on a Pot, and we’ll help you work out what you need to save to reach your goal.

Monzo US Blog
22 August 2023

Cover your expenses by paying directly from Pots

Pots help you set aside enough money for the important things. And now you can pay from them. It’s envelope budgeting, made digital.

Monzo US Blog
10 August 2023

There's no place like Home

Get to know the new Monzo app Home screen, made for better visibility and control of your finances.

Cash stuffing with Pots
Monzo US Blog
20 July 2023

How I use Monzo Pots for cash stuffing

Melanie*, 25, uses Pots for her budget using the envelope budget method, also called cash stuffing. Here's how she organizes her budget for the month.

Orange line graph trending downwards with 3 bubbles separately containing a circle with a plus icon, a lightbulb, and a banana and cherry.
Monzo US Blog
6 June 2023

Spend confidently with category targets

Whether you're a budgeting novice or looking for a more streamlined approach, category targets help you stay on track with your finances and budget.

Three illustrated coin jars: the one on the left is turquoise with light blue coins inside, the middle one is pink with an open orange lid and orange coins inside, the one on the right is light blue with turquoise coins inside. Two orange coins are falling into the middle jar that's open.
Monzo US Blog
29 May 2023

Salary Sorter - the simple solution to make the most of your paycheck

Sort your paycheck automatically so it’s neatly organized into Pots for you as soon as you get paid.

Three credit cards stacked onto each other, slightly offset up and to the left, surrounded by four googie stars
Monzo US Blog
10 May 2023

Stay ahead of credit card debt with a Credit Card Pot

Automatically set aside a little bit of your money when you use your credit card. Whatever is saved will help pay off your balance.

Inside out umbrella and plastic bag blowing in a windy rain storm
Monzo US Blog
26 April 2023

Plan for the unexpected with an emergency fund Pot

Don’t get caught in the rain: our new emergency fund Pots have you covered for unexpected expenses and whatever else life pours on you.

two hands in a handshake with one hand wearing a ring on their thumb
Monzo US Blog
US Joint Accounts
20 February 2023

The perks of having a joint account with Monzo

A joint account can make it easier for two people to manage their shared finances together, like everyday spending or household bills.

a hot coral Monzo personal account card overlayed onto a white Monzo joint account card
Monzo US Blog
US Joint Accounts
20 February 2023

Managing money together: how to get started with your Monzo joint account

A joint account can make it easier for two people to manage their shared finances together. Here's how to get started with a joint account at Monzo.

Monzo US Blog
16 February 2023

Get paid early with faster direct deposit

Get paid up to 2 days early when you set up direct deposit with Monzo.

Two hot coral Monzo cards side-by-side with a white heart overlapping them in the middle
Monzo US Blog
US Joint Accounts
30 December 2022

Help us test joint accounts

A joint account is a shared account between two people, making it easy to pay bills or save for goals together. Help us beta test today!

Monzo US Blog
14 December 2022

Introducing Trends - the future of money management

Trends is designed to give you even more visibility of your entire financial life with just a tap. See a breakdown of your spending and saving across all your Monzo and external connected accounts together.

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