Achieve your savings goals on time with Pots

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We recently made it easier to manage your expenses with paying from Pots.

But what about your savings goals? They’re just as important too.

Setting savings goals is like creating a roadmap for your finances. And setting goal dates will give you achievable milestones to strive towards.

Set a date for your Pot goals 🎯

Many of you told us how difficult it was to work out how much you needed to save to reach your goals. So we updated the goal-setting experience to make this process easier!

Simply tell us your goal and when you want to achieve it - we’ll calculate exactly what you need to contribute each day, week, or month.

US Pot goals - setting a goal

And with an extra tap, we’ll even help you create an automatic deposit to keep you on track. The more you can automate, the less you need to worry about.

Stay up-to-date with your progress 💡

Did you know that 70% of customers set a goal on their Pots? 😮

To help you stay on track and motivated with your goals, you’ll see a progress bar for Pots with goals, like your emergency fund.

US Pot goals progress bar gif

The progress bar fills up as you put money towards your goal, giving you that extra boost of motivation 💪 If you set a goal date, a vertical line will show where you should be to stay on track.

A new look for your Pot info 🍯

With the refreshed Pot details screen, you can see your latest activity, scheduled transfers, and Pot documents.

If you have roundups turned on, you’ll see how much you saved through all your roundups.

US Pot goals details screen

With a clear view of your finances, you can confidently make decisions that align with your goals.

Let us know how else we can make things even easier for you. You’ve already worked hard for your money, why should you have to work even harder to manage it?