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What is a Credit Card Pot?

Credit Cards Pots are a specialized type of Pot that lets you manage your credit card spending.

When you set up a Credit Card Pot you will be asked to link a credit card from another bank to your Monzo account. Then we will automatically move money from your main balance to the Pot as you spend on your credit card throughout the month 💳 

When pay your credit card bill - that money will come directly out of the Pot. And, you can use the same Monzo account number that you use for everything else - no need to remember a special account number!

Effectively, this means that as you spend on your linked credit card we are making sure you aren’t spending more than the money you have in Monzo - which is useful if you want to avoid paying any interest on your credit cards.

đź’ˇPro tip: You can use Credit Card Pots with multiple banks and multiple cards at the same time! You can only have one open Credit Card Pot at a time, but that single Pot can be synced with multiple linked credit cards.

ℹ️ Please note: We try our best to move money from your account’s main balance to the Credit Card Pot as quickly as we can after you spend on your credit card.

But this depends a lot on your other bank and how often they tell us about new purchases you made.

Some banks will provide us with updated information relatively quickly, where other banks might take longer to tell us. To ensure we are offering as good an experience as we can - we only offer this feature with certain banks we have seen to work well.

ℹ️ Please note: We don't set up any bill payments on your behalf. For a Credit Card Pot to work as well as possible - you need to set up a recurring payment with your credit card company using their app.

If you ever decide to close your Credit Card Pot, your recurring payment will not be cancelled - you need to work with your credit card company to cancel it. If any payments come through while your Credit Card Pot is closed, they will come out of your main balance.

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