Save more to meet your goals
Saving for the things that matter, made simple with Monzo

Organize your money with Jars
Saving for something special is fun and easy with Jars! Need a down payment for a new house? Put it in a Jar. Planning a trip to Hawaii? Put it in a Jar. Jars help you visualize your goals so you can stay focused and get there faster.
If you’re not sure where to start, try one of our Jars set with a specific goal in mind, like building an emergency fund or managing credit card debt.

Save time and money with Salary Sorter
Automatically sort your income into different Jars so your money’s neatly organized as soon as you get paid. You choose how to divide up money for bills, spending, or anything else, however you like, all without the manual work. No more worrying about accidentally spending your rent money.

Conquer your credit cards
Stay in control of your credit card spending with Credit Card Jars. Link your credit cards to Monzo and automatically set money aside for every credit card transaction, so you’ll always have enough to pay your credit card bill on time. Never fall behind on your payments again!

Make small change, big
Turn your spending into savings with round ups. Round up transactions to the nearest dollar and we’ll automatically put the change into a Jar for you. So you’re saving while you spend.
Protection for your money
With Monzo, your money is insured up to $250,000 through our partner Sutton Bank, Member FDIC*
Support from real humans
Our friendly support team is here for you when you need it. Whether you have a question or need help, chatting with us is just a tap away.
40,000+ fee-free ATMs nationwide
Get cash without stress and without fees, thanks to our network of over 40,000 fee-free MoneyPass ATMs.
And since we don’t bury our footnotes
* How does FDIC insurance work?
Your funds are held at Sutton Bank, Member FDIC. Though Monzo is not an insured bank, money in your Monzo account benefits from pass-through FDIC insurance that would protect up to $250,000 in the unlikely event that Sutton Bank failed.
Certain conditions must be satisfied for pass-through FDIC deposit insurance coverage to apply, which you can learn more about here.