Monzo Plus Terms and Conditions
These are our Monzo Plus Terms and Conditions. Please read this document carefully, as well as our general Monzo Terms and Conditions and Data Privacy Notice.
These are our Monzo Plus Terms and Conditions. Please read this document carefully, as well as our general Monzo Terms and Conditions and Data Privacy Notice.
First things first, you need to be 18 or over, have a Monzo account and be a UK resident to apply for Monzo Plus.
By signing up to Monzo Plus you agree to pay monthly for a minimum of 12 months. The amount you pay will depend on the features you add to Monzo Plus. You can find your monthly payment in the ‘Monzo Plus’ section of your in-app profile in the Account tab.
You can find everything you need to know about Monzo Plus account fees here.
We’ll take the payment from your Monzo current account on the same date of each month that you signed up on. So if you sign up for Monzo Plus on the 3rd of February, we’ll take your first payment as soon as you sign up, and then again on the 3rd of each following month for 12 months.
The last day of your minimum term will not change if you choose to add new features. After 12 months you’ll be moved to a rolling contract which you can cancel at any time.
You need to make sure you have enough money in your account to make the payments. If you don’t, and you don’t have an arranged overdraft with us, then the payment won’t go through.
We’ll try taking the payment again and if you still don’t have enough money after 14 days, then we’ll cancel your Monzo Plus subscription including any insurance policies and you won’t be able to use your Monzo Plus features. When you put money into your account, we’ll charge you the monthly fee and give you access to the features again. We won’t try to recharge you outside of the minimum term.
If you change your mind, you can cancel your subscription within 14 days of signing up.
At the end of the 12 months your subscription switches to a rolling one and you can cancel it any time.
We’ll send you an exclusive new Monzo Plus card in the colour that you choose when you sign up.
As a Monzo Plus customer you can personalise your link. In case you don’t know, that’s the link you can send to friends when you want to pay or be paid by someone instantly.
You can name it what you like, as long as it’s not inappropriate or already taken by someone else.
You’ll only get this custom feature if you choose to add it.
Your worldwide family travel insurance is provided by AXA. It covers:
You’re not covered for trips you’re already on or any pre-existing medical conditions.
You can find the details of your cover in AXA’s Terms and Conditions.
You’ll only get this custom feature if you choose to add it.
As soon as you sign up to Monzo Plus, you’ll be able to withdraw up to £400 from cash machines abroad in any rolling 30-day period without any fees. After that, we’ll charge you 3% of the total amount you withdraw.
Monzo customers who don’t have Monzo Plus can withdraw up to £200 for free from cash machines abroad.
You’ll only get this custom feature if you choose to add it.
If you lose your card or it gets stolen, we can transfer you up to £1,000 within 5 hours for a 5% fee of the amount you ask us for. We can transfer you the money in the local currency, as long as there’s money in your account. You’ll need your passport to claim the emergency money we send you.
We’ll send the money to you using a cash transfer provider near to where you are. The provider might restrict how much money we can send you depending on where in the world you are.
Monzo Bank Limited, authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register No. 730427). Registered in England. Registered No. 9446231. Registered Office: Broadwalk House, 5 Appold St, London, EC2A 2AG.