Find contacts who use Monzo to pay and be paid instantly. Your data is safe and encrypted. You’ll still need your PIN or Face/Touch ID every time you pay.

We never see or store your contacts list

We won’t message your Monzo contacts without your permission, or share their details outside Monzo.

How it works 👇

  1. Your phone creates a hash for each contact in your phone and uploads part of that hash to our servers
  2. We check if the hash matches any existing Monzo users. If yes, we send your phone a larger part of the hashed contact
  3. Your phone matches that with the existing hash to confirm we’ve got the right person
  4. If there’s a match, we show your contact in Monzo
  5. If there’s no match, we delete the hash from our server and never see any of the contact’s information.

We never see your contacts’ phone number, name or other details

The only time we send their full phone number is when you send money to them. This is safe and encrypted within our banking system and we only do this after you’ve confirmed the payment with PIN or Face/Touch ID.

What people on Monzo see about you

People with your number will see your name and profile picture. They never see any details of your money or banking activity.

You can block anyone from sending you Monzo payments and requests.

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